Dreams will be dreams

Woke up today still thinking of the beautiful wedding ring that should be on my finger. It felt it was way overdue. As though now that its been 10 years I definitely deserve it.

I looked across the bed and I just wanted to say ‘ I want a wedding ring’

But I kept quiet thinking how materialistic that sounded but come to think of it…. Call it what you want but I have stayed all these years without a wedding ring so materialistic my foot!

As the day went on I didn’t say anything about it. The whole topic felt like one of those exhausting arguments and I honestly don’t have any energy to spare with three little ones to care for.

The next thing I remember was looking straight at his phone as an advertisement text for escorts comes in. It wouldn’t be unusual, again I still don’t have any energy to spare so I kept quiet.

Life seems so cruel right now, I feel emotionally and physically drained. Yet tomorrow the sun will rise. And I hope I will have a better day.

10th Anniversary

Life pranked me today . Had a wonderful dream about a romantic setting… me n hubby waking up to breakfast in bed n seeing the ocean view through white chiffon blinds. Couldn’t have been more amazing … 10years together alhamdullillah ❤️💐what an epic way to celebrate it

So I wake up to my 9 month old sniffing me for her milk and my toddler kissing his little sister’s hands with his usual intense love stricken look ( It usually takes like 3-5secs before Salwa starts protesting). Hubby comes in the room and scratches his head with a side smile ( some uncertainty in his eyes like ‘how do I do this’ the whole time am just avoiding eye contact because I don’t want to spook him away as he figures out how he will do this)

Finally I get a kiss on the cheek and he says ‘ Happy 10th anniversary habibti’ and he looks around at our noisy bunch as our oldest joins the commotion fighting his little brother for their helpless baby sister… ‘And this is what we are thankful for… 3 healthy happy kids’ we both chuckle ( no one ever told us this is what you should expect) my laugh was abit longer because I still had that romantic beach dream playing far back in my mind.

Am very thankful for the far we have come, so grateful for this wonderful chaotic bunch that I love with every bit of me. And so grateful for my wonderful hubby who is my rock every single day and reminds me to laugh at all the curve balls we encounter as we raise our family. May Allah always help us to see the humour in all the chaos and to always see the real blessings of life amin

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


Impressed by the above pic and title. I don’t take any credit for them but they definitely set a great tone to what I hope this blog will turnout to be ❤️

My name is Wahida, 32 years of age. Am a wife, a mother and many more things…

I’ve kept a diary since I knew how to read and write and so after being separated from my diary on this road trip to mark our 10th Marriage anniversary… it felt it was high time I opened my own blog.